Camille Mỹ Giang
Camille Mỹ Giang is a young French-Vietnamese storyteller. She was born and raised between the vineyards of central France and the community of former South-Vietnamese political refugees of the Parisian suburbs.
After months working in cinema distribution in Paris, Camille crossed the Channel to transform into a storyteller and met with screenwriting. This newfound love led her to work as a Content Consultant in various corporations in London, which quickly came to confirm what she had already appreciated when travelling the world: representation indeed matters, and something should be done about it.
Camille will tell stories to give new voices to unheard communities. She began her journey by deepening her skills in the storytelling crafts of the Great Pacific and now performs alongside London School of Hula and ‘Ori.
« The Vahine », her first short film as a writer-director, came most naturally as she continued to widen her spectrum of action in the entertainment industry.